Building a sustainable future together
Infopulse sustainable development strategy is aligned with the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals.
UN Global Compact
1. Human Rights
Infopulse operates in a systematic and long-term way, ensuring a productive, healthy, safe, and better working environment. The primary focus of the company’s efforts in this area is to enable preventive measures to keep sick leave at the lowest level possible, reduce risks to life and health, minimize adverse effects on the environment, and prevent accidents and injuries.
We are committed to establishing a culture in which everyone feels safe to report their concerns in relation to the Company Code. Those who report violations in good faith or cooperate with an investigation will not be subject to retaliation.
Whistleblowing channel (on Tietoevry’s website)

2. Labor Standards
We strive to create comfortable and respectful working conditions for company specialists, offering decent and timely wages, ensuring privacy and personal data protection, providing pecuniary aid and other benefits.
Infopulse focuses on establishing a working environment that is free of discrimination, whether on grounds of religion, national or ethnic origin, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, or functional disabilities.
3. Responsibility to the Environment
Infopulse is committed to the principles of sustainability and socially responsible operations, in which protection of the environment is a key component. These principles are reflected in the way we conduct our business as a company and in our individual roles as company representatives. To support these initiatives, in 2009 we implemented our Environmental Policy and were certified with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard.
Daily environmental activities, as well as compliance with the environmental protection principles, are documented and driven by Infopulse’s environmental management system. This includes an economical use of natural resources, energy, materials consumption, waste minimization and disposal, a strict accounting of environmental indicators, and protection of biodiversity.

4. Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption
Infopulse operates in an honest, fair, responsible, transparent, and accountable manner, with zero tolerance for dishonest actions, morally ambiguous behavior, and bribery of officials. To ensure this, we have implemented a set of anti-corruption principles and measures, mandatory for all company specialists and our suppliers.
Together with our parent company Tietoevry, Infopulse has developed and implemented a set of mandatory Conduct principles on how to behave in such circumstances. We ask all our specialists, business partners, and suppliers to familiarize themselves with the said principles, follow these principles and comply with them in their business activities.
All of the principles listed above have a direct effect on the way Infopulse conducts business with our parent company and clients, as well as on the relationships with our partners, suppliers, and communities we work with.

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