Infopulse and Tietoevry help children’s hospital in Ukraine

Infopulse and Tietoevry Support Ohmatdyt Patients

Infopulse together with our parent company Tietoevry are allocating UAH 1,000,000 (22,660 EUR) to support children who were affected by the missile attack on July 8 on Ohmatdyt, the largest hospital for children in Kyiv, Ukraine.

The companies have directed these funds to the Tablеtochki Charity Foundation to provide help for the effective and uninterrupted continuation of treatment for young patients with cancer. Children are currently battling cancer in other hospitals across the country and are in need of specialized diagnostics, medical procedures, expensive medications, and palliative care.

In these challenging times, Infopulse together with Tietoevry are committed to supporting those fighting for the future of Ukraine and those enduring their personal battles for life, such as oncology patients.

Only through collective support and timely assistance can we work wonders and provide hope where it is so desperately needed.

As a reminder, since the beginning of the full-scale barbaric invasion of russia into Ukraine in Feb.2022, Infopulse and its community have joined forces to support Ukraine and its citizens.


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