Infopulse Publishes 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Among the key focus areas of Infopulse’s corporate social responsibility strategy are UN Sustainable Development Goals for the promotion of innovations and building resilient infrastructure, as well as the development of education. Our internship program for the students allows them to get experience and skills of working on real projects, attend lectures on time management, and visit conversation club sessions. In 2018, 17 students of the Ukrainian higher education institutions took part in the corporate internship program; 45% of the students joined the company after its completion. A team of Infopulse specialists has developed original training courses in testing and business analysis, which are presently taught at NTUU ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’. Additionally, three experts of the company have volunteered for the project ‘Be QA Today’ – a course in testing for the people with disabilities. Our specialists conducted classes in business analysis, taught English, and gave advice as mentors. Participants were provided with laptops by the company.
The company supports and encourages specialists’ initiatives. In 2018, we implemented and carried out 24 social projects, a good deal of which were initiated by our specialists . Each year Infopulse announces the concept of the year, and a number of activities are carried out within this concept. 2018 was the year of corporate social responsibility under the “I am a citizen of Ukraine” motto. Traditional yearly corporate events in 2018 were characterized by the social component. During the yearly summer event, specialists self-assembled 50 sets of desks and chairs for a children’s training and rehabilitation center, as well as 100 birdhouses for the park of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. During the winter corporate event, the funds for two heart surgeries for children, curated by UFOND, were raised by means of the charity auction and individual donations.
Site of petitions
One of the important tasks for Infopulse is to involve specialists in the life of the company to the highest extent possible, to create conditions for their maximum personal and professional fulfillment, and to be engaged in a two-way dialogue. That is exactly why a site of online petitions was launched last year – a platform, where all Infopulse specialists can express their ideas on the development of the company. If a certain idea gets a necessary number of specialists’ votes, it is considered by the special-purpose committee and a decision about its further implementation is made.
Please find the detailed information about these and other initiatives in our Corporate Social Responsibility Report by following this link.