Infopulse Poland becomes the winner of a 2022 Etyczna Firma Award

Infopulse Poland Is Named a Winner of the 2022 Etyczna Firma Award

Infopulse has become an ‘Etyczna Firma’ award winner among 25 businesses that were honored this year out of a pool of over 100 that applied.

On March 21, Infopulse Poland took up the trophy for the ‘2022 Etyczna Firma’ (Ethical Company) competition in the "Large Enterprise" category.

This year marks the ninth year that Puls Biznesu has hosted the ‘Etyczna Firma’ award. The goals of the contest are to raise awareness of the importance of ethical values in the workplace, encourage and promote the highest standards of business ethics among Polish businesses, and identify and reward market leaders.    

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I am convinced that this edition will prove thoroughly inspiring to participants and readers. We're thrilled to welcome 94 companies that decided to test themselves against the strict contest criteria. These companies are at the forefront of defining value systems in a truly modern way, such as their approach to employees, contractors, local communities, and the environment. These companies combat all forms of discrimination and exclusion. They deserve to be called Ethical Companies. 
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Grzegorz Nawacki
Editor-in-Chief of Puls Biznesu 

Participants must meet a range of strict standards defined by Puls Biznesu's key partner, PwC Legal:      

  • act in accordance with the law and ethical standards
  • treat business partners with respect
  • apply the principles of fair competition
  • create internal trust and good relations between employees
  • fight against fraud and pathologies
  • participate in activities in the interests of various stakeholder groups.

Due to its high level of commitment to sustainable, ethical, and responsible business practices, Infopulse was able to successfully meet all these necessary conditions for the award.

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Ethics has been in Infopulse’s DNA from the beginning of the company's existence. In all our activities, we always consider their impact on our specialists, the local society, the environment, and our stakeholders. This award goes for all Infopulsers who, with their daily activities, contribute to the fact that we can proudly call ourselves an ethical company.
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Lukasz Olechnowicz
Head of Business Development and Marketing & Chief Transformation Officer at Infopulse

About Etyczna Firma competition

Etyczna Firma competition begins with a lengthy questionnaire on the company's procedures, codes, and rules, as well as its attitude to ecological, pro-social activities, and employee training. The second stage entails verifying the material gathered and conducting interviews at the business's headquarters. Based on the criteria created by PwC Legal professionals, the information is verified and assessed, and the winners are defined. More at

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