Updates to Business Operational Changes – Official Statement

Official Statement to Announced Operational Changes within Tietoevry Create

In 2024, Tietoevry Create, of which Infopulse is a part, has previously announced changes to its operating model. The new operating model involves the integration of previously independent affiliated companies, including Infopulse, MentorMate, and EVRY India, into a single management organization under Tietoevry Create.

During the transformation period and until further decisions are made by Tietoevry Create, Infopulse will no longer position itself as an independent brand in the public domain or when responding to inquiries from the media. Instead, it will present itself as a part of Tietoevry Create

Despite the fact that the legal entities Infopulse Ukraine and Tietoevry Ukraine continue to operate in Ukraine, they are now structurally united into a single Delivery Center Ukraine, headed by Alexandr Kolotinets, who was previously head of the Delivery Center at Infopulse. 

Infopulse President Alexey Sigov and Chief Executive Officer Andrii Anissimov, along with representatives of key business functions, are now members of the temporary Transition and Transformation Committee. The committee's task is to ensure efficient integration and transformation processes.

Other managers at Infopulse have either taken on new leadership roles within the management structure of Tietoevry Create or have opted for alternative career paths and will be departing the company by set dates. 

Tietoevry Create is also adjusting its billable capacity in line with the market demand. As previously announced, in this context, Tietoevry Create initiated employee reductions; however, these layoffs are only limited to administrative positions. Specialists who are not part of the new structure have received severance packages, which include decent financial support and career consultations to assist with their future employment. 

We will keep you informed about further developments in the reorganization through upcoming press releases and updates on our corporate social media channels. 

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