Infopulse Holds Digital Transformation Conference for CIOs

Infopulse Holds a Conference for CIOs Heading to Digital Transformation

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On September 19, 2018, Infopulse hosted the Digital Business Transformation conference organized to engage Ukrainian CIOs, CTOs and C-level executives in the latest digitalization trends and ways to increase their business productivity. The event was held in Lviv at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center and had special invited speakers from Microsoft and SOCAR Energy Ukraine.

Digital Business Transformation was a one-day event aimed at gathering Ukrainian top IT managers to demonstrate and discuss the latest digitalization trends that could be applied to their businesses.

The conference was divided into four sections that included IT experts’ speeches from Infopulse, EVRY Ukraine, Microsoft, and SOCAR Energy Ukraine, demos of discussed solutions and coffee or lunch breaks for further discussions and networking between attendees.

Information Security and GDPR

Opening the conference, David Sosty, Microsoft Digital Workplace Lead shared his ideas on Cloud Security as the Enabler of People’s Productivity. Infopulse security experts Oleg Diachuk and Oleksii Dovydkov discussed today’s GDPR challenges and ways to overcome them delivering their speech on Security Transformation: the first 4 months of living in the GDPR world. It was followed by the demo of Infopulse Standards Compliance Manager – the all-in-one solution for governance, risk and compliance management that allows organizations making fast and efficient assessment of their current business, infrastructure and data protection status.

Business Solutions

Spectacular speakers from Infopulse and Microsoft brought forward business-critical topics on CRM and Business Intelligence. Infopulse Head of CRM Service Line Anton Vitiaz delivered an impressive speech How to Enable a Mobile CRM in a Week closing it with Resco Mobile CRM demo. Bojan Nozinic, Microsoft Product Marketing Manager shared his Best CRM Practices in Multi-Country Region whereas Andrii Kyslyi, Infopulse Head of BI Service Line, dwelled on Simple Analytics of Complex Data presenting a demo of implemented Business Intelligence solutions.

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Thank you for an opportunity to become a speaker and share our experience in implementing mobile CRM. During the discussion, I was pleased to confirm the trend that for the last few years Ukrainian companies need more enterprise mobile applications. Presented in the demo Resco Mobile CRM solution can ideally meet this demand. Powered with it, Infopulse was able to simplify the whole app development and decrease time to market from months to a week.
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Anton Vitiaz
Infopulse Engagement Manager

InnovationsValerii Poliakov, EVRY Ukraine’s Analyst of Cognitive Department in his speech Do You Already Have a Chatbot? explained how AI potential, specifically Chatbot implementation, can transform your business. On top of that, Valerii showed a live demo presenting a case study on how to successfully develop and introduce a chatbot.Success StoriesIn the final part of the conference, Oleksii Vlasenko, Infopulse Cloud Solutions Expert gave the most memorable 5 Lessons on Migration to the Cloud which were followed by Dmytro Hraif’s, CIO of SOCAR Energy Ukraine, thought-provoking speech Is Your Business Ready for Digitalization?, that involved a case study on the business transformation through the mobile app upgrade.The event has become a favorable place for Ukrainian C-level executives to network and get inspired with business digitalization ideas, best practices and examples of successfully implemented modern IT solutions.Infopulse thanks all the attendees of the conference for active participation. See you at the next Infopulse events!Last year the company held the Infopulse Cloud Experience Conference in Kyiv sharing insights on the hottest trends of cloud technologies and ways to get a greater business value from implementing innovations.Photo Report from Infopulse Digital Business Transformation Conference

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