Mobile Banking in 2021 | Infopulse eBook

Mobile Banking in 2021: 5 Strategic Priorities for an Operational Reset

In 2020, almost every industry vaulted several years ahead in terms of consumer and digital adoption. The retail banking sector is no exception. However, leaders in the space still have a growing number of technical jobs-to-be-done to speed up their digital-led recovery. In addition, most traditional banks are pressed by the rising competitiveness of digital-first banks and fintech companies.

Mobile banking, in particular, has emerged as the new competitive battlefield. Last year, it equalled in popularity with in-person banking and is soon positioned to reach the same levels as desktop banking.

In our new eBook, we explore the five new strategic priorities retail banks should consider as they prepare to re-launch their operations. In particular, we focus on the newly-emerged high growth opportunities, powered by technology.

Here’s why you should download this eBook

  • Learn how digital-first banks didn’t let this financial crisis go to waste: why banks such as Revolut, Monzo, and N26 have maintained high user growth
  • Discover how retail banks can simplify and digitize KYC, without increasing compliance risks
  • Explore the convenience and security benefits of incorporating biometrics-based functionality into your financial products
  • What is Banking as a Service, how BaaS is different from marketplace banking, and why both business models present significant growth opportunities
  • Why ‘voice’ is the new competitive avenue to keep an eye on in 2021
  • How banks can effectively restart the lending process with alternative credit card data and a greater degree of automation

Relaunch your operations with confidence by getting equipped with the right data!

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