1,000+ employees
About the Customer:
Pharmaceutical Company “Darnytsia” is Ukraine’s largest producer of medicinal products, having long-standing pharmaceutical traditions. With 88 years of history, Darnytsia takes the leading position in the domestic pharmaceutical market by volume more than 20 years that proves to be true by year-to-year indicators of industrial and market activity of the enterprise, as well as authoritative branch ratings. Darnytsia shows significant progress within the process of digital transformation, succeeding in the implementation of market-leading technologies.
Business Challenge
Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company was looking to drive the digital transformation of its business by moving own local IT systems to a state-of-the-art cloud platform.
The digital transformation and migration project started in spring 2018, with primary aims being the following:
- Migrate on premise IT systems and part of legacy IT Infrastructure to a modern cloud environment, and ensure its dynamic scalability;
- Optimize functionality and operability of the internal systems;
- Improve communication channels for 250+ internal users with external clients and merchants, while providing flexible connection of the external users;
- Integrate cloud systems with proprietary mobile apps of the company, while facilitating user mobility regardless of their platform;
- Optimize maintenance and licensing costs.

Infopulse and Darnytsia chose Microsoft Office 365 as core platform for the IT infrastructure transformation. A modern SaaS cloud service, Office 365 allows getting maximum value from working with email, documents and communication tools. High availability and mobility of Microsoft cloud platform leverage day-to-day efficiency and profitability of businesses.
Infopulse has built a hybrid Exchange environment, ensuring integration with the local systems and proprietary applications of the big pharma company within a strict deadline:
- Moved local legacy systems to a modern unified cloud platform, considering specifics of various types of devices and operating systems;
- Migrated email accounts for a selected (250+) group of users;
- Set up an integrated communication environment through Microsoft Teams;
- Created Office 365 Pro Plus distribution package;
- Established basic policies for remote control over handheld and mobile devices;
- Ensured full technical support;
- Conducted comprehensive training of Darnytsia technical staff;
- Conducted training of an active group of Darnytsia employees (ambassadors) in the use of modern productivity tools included in Office 365 package.
Business Value
The cloud transformation project, implemented by Infopulse for Darnytsia Pharmaceutical Company, streamlined company’s processes on many levels, becoming an important step towards digital evolution. Office 365 was instrumental for the big pharma company’s business productivity and continuity, better labor force management, effective decision making, personal productivity, and fresh ideas creation:
- Darnytsia can now enjoy all the benefits of the Microsoft cloud platform: better flexibility, reliability, and security.
- Migration didn’t interrupt business processes, conducted without causing inconveniences for the end-users.
- Enabled a unified environment for various types of operating systems and devices (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS).
- Improved communication of the internal and external users.
- Improved management of users’ mobile devices and data security.
- Saved costs on migration, licensing, maintenance, and technical support.
Darnytsia is happy with the results of collaboration with Infopulse and praised the results of the IT Infrastructure transformation project. Infopulse and Darnytsia continue working on the implementation of other cloud systems, namely migration of Darnytsia SAP systems to Azure cloud, conducted in close collaboration with Microsoft and SAP.
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